Monday 29 February 2016


Lost with all hopes of getting you back, watching at your photograph today,
May be this is the end we always feared about, may be the day has come,
Yet i await watching at all those beautiful memories we made together,
With this hope that, if God made us one, he will do it again.

Take away all the pain i have, take away all the taste of your tongue,
Take me back to those silent nights, those were better than staying away from you,
All the lies, all those promises, all those dreams we saw together,
We met but still could not meet, we were together but still lost our way,
There is no life without you, tu jaroori sa hai mujhme jinda rehne ke liye.

Today i felt for the first time, i am all  alone,
Stressed out, and tangled up withing myself,
As if my life has no meaning without you priya,
We were the best together, but now i cant find us fighting for eachother,
As if we have lost hope on eachother.

Everyday i keep this promise to myself the one i made to you once,
Even if we are not there someday, one of us will always keep our love alive,
So what we wont be together, love never means to be together always,
Sometimes love demands distance, sometimes love demands seperation,
May be to test or to check how true our Love is,
So How true our love is babu?

Please answer me through these photographs , please hug me
Because i miss you every day.

Tuesday 23 February 2016

Day ends and begins with hope again

February 23, 2016 (1:31am)

Checking over my phone to see if you are online or still studying , when this sudden unusual flickering  started happening in my mind, something which was not allowing me to sleep over nights. You must be asleep now & i don't wanna disturb you in your sleep because i can see how much efforts you are giving to qualify the exams and i don't want to be a reason to pull you back. I have always given you the utmost priority and right now when you are standing at the verge of starting your fresh career, i wont put my nose in between.
The real reason of writing this to you is may be i am missing you. It not may be, its actually i am missing you. Days are passing by, night are just hunting me down, and still everyday i wake with just one hope that you would give me a call back when you are out of your working schedule. Dont worry i really do understand starting a fresh career and how stressed days you must be seeing, so truly its fine from your end if you are not getting time. Now a days i spent time watching those old pictures and those awsum videos which we made for eachother on our birthdays. Seriously your videos were much better than mine.
I am feeling scared Priya. I am afraid if i will lose you. I dont have enough of smile left inside me , the reason to make your smile the best one or the reason for me to smile back at you when i see you again. You know it already, you are my better half but i dont know why i am feeling an ache along the left side of the body. This pain persists entire day long and i am afraid if it stays all my life. I am scared of these ghosts haunting me along the night , i waana see you around, please come to me and hug me tight like the way you had always grabbed me and never let me go.
Every day i wake up, start the day with a hope that may be today i could see you or talk to you, ask you how your day was and stand beside you and give you a small hug or kiss your forehead. The day passes by and slowly the expectation of feeling your presence kills me and when the night strikes at it last moment to take a last breath, i feel like may be this is where i will end myself,. But suddenly the next morning my eyes open with a hope that may be today my Priya will come back to me smiling and running to me and finally giving me a tight hug. I miss you dear love, dear friend, you were the only one i will ever have.
Good night angel.......