Thursday 9 June 2016

Seven Lives

Closing the novel and feeling nostalgic with all those memory of her, all he could do was put this beautiful feeling in words, even though he always thought that the way she made him feel was something beyond writing in the form of words, yet for the first time his inner soul was beaming with the words to put together. So, with the shining moon and twinkling stars, his only friends aware of everything he has gone through. He picked his pen and began to put the feeling of love that can be measured only through infinity and beyond, nothing less than that.
Struggling through the start still he started...
There comes a time when you just stop searching for that one person, because you know your heart has already found them. Even though they are not with you, they don’t belong to you, they love somebody else or sometimes they don’t even know that you love them. But in this life you feel your eyes will not search for anyone else anymore. And when they are gone you just sit back and cherish those moments when you were with them. It’s a strange part of destiny when you meet that person, there is something in the universe which conspires to bring you close to that person, and from there on you realize that everything you have, you just want to share it with them, in short they become your universe and everything starts to revolve just around them.

Year’s back when I don’t even know what is to be in love, I used to think how can somebody be in so much love but now I realize that its one of the most beautiful feeling in the world to love somebody so deeply and unconditionally. Now when I have found that person, I often think to myself that whether in this life we will be together or not. But yes! That’s true I won’t be searching for anyone else, because in my heart each corner belongs to you, in each wall of my heart your name is written echoing through each and every heartbeat of mine. If we cant’ be together I will carry you in my heart, talk to you through my thoughts, care through my prayers and see you in my dreams and in all my seven lives I will find you and choose you.

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